Coordinated Entry System
A Coordinated Entry System (CES) s a shared and standardized method for connecting individuals or families experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness to resources available within our district.
A strong CES uses a By-Name Prioritized List (BNL) along with a standardized and coordinated process for:
- Access (common intake, i.e., collect & input same info into the BNPL)
- Triage (common assessment tool)
- Prioritization (e.g., chronic, unsheltered population)
- Matching/referral to housing programs and other services across all the agencies and organizations in the community (e.g., through case conferencing meetings)
Consistency and transparency for people’s pathway to housing across diverse programs
No wrong door – can be connected to housing and supports from any service provider in the systemMoves away from “first-come, first-served”
Right support, for the right person, at the right time

By-Name List, Coordinated Entry System & Priority and The Connections Between Them

Partner Agencies and Community Entry Points
A community entry point is an identified agency within our district who have regular contact with the homeless population.
- These agencies are our community entry points.
- These partner agencies will be trained to identify and assess people who are homeless.
- These partner agencies ensure that anyone experiencing homelessness in the Rainy River District has equitable access to available housing and supports that are appropriate to their needs.
In order to participate in the CES and BNPL, staff at Partner Agencies complete an Oath of Confidentiality. Consent and confidentially agreements allows Service Providers to work together to find appropriate supports and housing placements for individuals and families.
Our current Community Partners are the DRRSB in both Atikokan and Fort Frances, Rainy River District Victim Services, United Native Friendship Centre, Canadian Mental Health Association Fort Frances, Riverside Health Care, the Salvation Army, and the Rainy River District Women’s Shelter of Hope.
Intake Assessment Tool
A standardized intake tool is an important component of a coordinated entry system because it allows for standard data collection, prioritization and expectations by participants.
Our common assessment tool uses a standardized scoring system to assist in determining the appropriate level of intervention for the individual or family experiencing homelessness.
Coordinated Entry (Access) System is an evolving practice. New research, models, and processes are continually being created. The Rainy River District Coordinated Entry System will be flexible and responsive to any new information or best practices as they emerge.