Other Benefits
Other Benefits Ontario Works Recipients May Be Eligible For…
Ontario Works recipients, spouses and dependents may be eligible to receive the following mandatory benefits:
Health benefits
- prescription drug coverage
- vision care for dependent children and children in temporary care
- diabetic supplies, surgical supplies and dressings
- medical transportation costs $15 and over
- consumer contribution for assistive devices and eligibility assessment under the Assistive Devices Program (ADP)
- batteries and necessary repairs for mobility devices
- routine eye examinations once every 24 months (ages 20-64)
- extended health benefits
Guide Dog Benefit
- Full-time Employment Benefit
- Other Employment and Employment Assistance Activities Benefit
- Advance (up front) child care
- Transition Child Benefit
- Pregnancy/Breast-feeding Nutritional Allowance
- Special Diet Allowance
Discretionary Benefits That May Be Provided to Eligible Recipients…
- dental care for adults (emergency dental only)
- vision care for adults
- prosthetic appliances
- funerals and burials
- travel and transportation that is not for health-related purposes
- any other special service, item or payment authorized by the Director